Support Line: 01738 639 043
24 Hour National Helpline: 0800 027 1234

Women's groups & learning

Our groups are programmes to help women make sense of the abuse experienced. These can last up to 12 weeks and delivered through a variety of methods to help build resilience and confidence. We aim to help reduce the shame and blame women might be feeling by bringing women together and reducing isolation

Freedom, Own My Life and Aftercare groups


A 12 week programme that looks at different types of abuse such controlling behaviour, tactics and different personas of abusers. Each session also looks at alternative positive and encouraging behaviours and relationships that are healthy.

Own My Life

This course is about enabling women to take greater ownership over their life. The course looks at seven different areas- …mind…body…choices…relationships…world…feelings…future. The programme is also delivered over 12 weeks and includes a variety of activities to help with learning.


Our Aftercare group focuses on what tomorrow can look like moving forward from abuse and trauma. The peer support from the group aims to reduce isolation and the activities include simple things like going for a coffee in town to a trip to the college for some pamper time. We also look at longer term goals to suit individual needs which may include Employment, Volunteering or Education.

As someone who spent 12 years in isolation this group has shown me that not all people are the same. The group has brought me out of my shell and given me the confidence to find myself, find who I am and find out what I enjoy. To the next group ‘have fun, enjoy and embrace the change’

Service User

What will I get from attending?

By attending our groups you will…
• Know you are not alone
• Recognise abusive or controlling patterns
• Look at the impact on you and your family
• Develop new ways of thinking and behaving to help protect yourself and family
• Understand what non abusive behaviours look like
• Be able to spot early signs of abuse
• Be more able to take control of your life as your confidence and self esteem grow
• Feel less isolated
• Knowlegde of services that can help

How we can help

Domestic abuse is not just physical. Abuse can come in many forms including Emotional, Financial, Controlling, Sexual, Psychological and coercive control.

Women's Support

Our Women’s Support Service provides 1:1 emotional and practical support.

Women's Groups & Learning

Educational programmes with peer support and bringing women together.


Safe and Comfortable accommodation with tailored support.

How You Can Help

We welcome all forms of support from simple donations to organising events. From coffee mornings to volunteering. Any help really can make a difference.

How can we help you?

We strive to ensure that our services are easy to access throughout Perthshire and we provide tailored support to individual needs.

Success stories

We’re extremely grateful for those who have bravely shared the following stories, which highlight how we can help.

Your refuge gave me the first and only opportunity to escape the abuse my children and I were still part of. As I lived near the children’s father I felt I couldn’t escape them not seeing him, and after a year of being around him with the kids every Saturday my mental health completely plummeted.

Domestic abuse survivor

I cant believe how helpful Perth Womens Aid have been, if all organisations worked the way we do with a multi agency approach then outcomes for migrant women with no recourse to public funds who are fleeing abuse could be so different.

Service user

The refuge meant I could go no contact, get us all out of the misery and despair and start a new chapter of our lives together, safely.

Domestic abuse survivor

The refuge is our safe home, our sanctuary. The flat is beautiful, full of light, with thoughtful pictures, bedding, and so much more including a fabulous garden the boys enjoy running about where I can watch them safely.

Elizabeth Sofia

Honestly, the refuge was the only way we could escape and start living in much less fear, upset and pain.

Domestic abuse survivor

The boys love this flat, and don’t want to leave! The support has been incredible. You ALL make me feel part of a wider family and network of friends and support.

Domestic abuse survivor

The refuge allowed us to escape, and feel SAFE after several years of an abusive house.

Domestic abuse survivor

It's the first time in a long time that I have ever felt free if that makes any sense.

Domestic abuse survivor

It's the first time in a long time that I have ever felt free if that makes any sense.

Domestic abuse survivor

You saved my life.

Domestic violence survivor

For the first time in years I feel safe in my own home, I know how to protect myself.

Domestic abuse survivor

I would like to thank you. As a victim of abuse I found it really helpful and learned a lot. I can now recognise abusive personalities and avoid to put myself in abusive relationships in the future. It helped me understand what I’ve been living in and why it was so wrong. Also I have learned to see early signs of abuse. Thank you so much to Women’s Aid Perth for letting supporting me in my native language of Polish. There are so many women who will get benefit of it as they struggle with English and also talking about feelings in my own language is more comfortable.


Our partners

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

A better tomorrow starts today!

We're here for you.